Kybella Treatment Dallas

Kybella Double Chin Treatment Dallas is an FDA-approved injectable treatment for the reduction of submental fullness, or double chin, in men and women. Its active constituent is a man-made preparation of deoxycholic acid, a compound that occurs naturally in the human body. The purpose of deoxycholic acid is to engross and eradicate fat cells. KYBELLA is a treatment for moderate to severe under-chin fat, it has become quite popular since its approval and introduction in early 2015.

How to get rid of the fat below my chin?

Kybella, a safe and effective double chin injection designed to permanently eliminate submental fat in both men and women. Kybella is a FDA-approved injection, which contains a naturally occurring molecule, deoxycholic acid. This acid is found in the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into submental fat, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells.

Once destroyed, the cells cannot store or accumulate fat in the future. If the double chin injection is administered properly by a trained professional, all the other cells around that area will remain healthy and intact.

The best treatment for double chin

KYBELLA is a simple, and wholly non-invasive solution to the age-old double-chin problem: KYBELLA, an advanced, injectable cure that can enhance and even reduce your double chin. The most amazing thing is that KYBELLA works entirely without surgery. That means you receive no incisions or sutures. No surgery or liposuction is involved. You don’t have to take time off work, and you don’t have to change your social schedule.

Expectation from KYBELLA Treatment

KYBELLA requires between two and six in-office treatments, depending on the heaviness of the chin and neck area. Most patients return to work and social activities right after a treatment and their normal exercise routines can go on uninterrupted. As is true of further injectable cures, you may experience some provisional swelling, bruising, redness, tenderness, or numbness around the treatment area for a few days.

Is Kybella permanent?

Since KYBELLA actually destroys fat cells, the results of treatment are long-lasting. This is because as soon as the fat cells are damaged, they cannot store or gather fat. Unlike further injectable cosmetic cures such as Botox, no re-treatment is expected after treatment with KYBELLA.

What is Kybella used for?

The drug designed to treat the “submental fat” (the fat pocket under the chin) is the new cosmetic injectable Kybella, which promises to dissolve fat cells through a series of injections. There’s very little downtime, it’s non-invasive and nonsurgical, and there’s little risk. The drug is the first and only injectable intended to treat the dreaded double chin. Double chins can be affected by genetics, hormonal changes, and weight fluctuations. The normal aging process is also a contributing factor.

Diet and exercise have a limited effect on submental fullness, but thankfully, there’s Kybella, the only non-surgical procedure targeting the double chin. Kybella is an injectable deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body responsible for the absorption and breakdown of dietary fat. It works by dissolving fatty tissue, dismantling fat cells, which are then filtered out through the body’s normal metabolic process.

As the cells are expelled from the body, your chin and jawline undergo a dramatic transformation, returning to their original shape and contour and restoring youthful definition. KYBELLA is prepared from a biochemical that’s naturally formed in the body to help absorb fats. It is the first and only non-surgical usage approved by the FDA to diminish fat beneath the chin.

When injected into the submental fat, it destroys the fat cells. Medical trials established that KYBELLA is safe and effective for contouring the area below the chin.

When to expect results

According to the manufacturer of the Kybella Treatment Dallas solution, each treatment session takes between 15 and 20 minutes at a time. Your provider selects several injection sites where Kybella is administered. The process is then repeated one to three months later. Users report noticeable effects after 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions. Maximum results can be seen after six months and are meant to be long-lasting.

Most patients will begin to see reduced submental fat in 2-3 treatments. Up to 6 double chin shot treatments may be administered, which are spaced a month or more apart. Once the desired look is achieved, there is no need for another Kybella treatment since the fat cells are destroyed forever.

What Causes a Double Chin?

A double chin is typically caused by excess fat, which in some cases may be reduced by sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise. In some cases, a look of fullness can also be due to excess skin. Either way, the submental area is a trouble spot for many people who are otherwise healthy and close to their ideal body weight.

Some men and women are insecure or embarrassed about the undesirable appearance of fat and lax skin in this area, which they believe makes them appear stockier than they really are or older than their actual age. A primary cause of this is intrinsic aging, which causes the skin to become loose over time. As we age, the skin tends to produce less of the ingredients that once made it strong, springy, and tight.

Very often, skin and fat on the cheeks, jawline, and neck begin t sag downward, creating jowls and fullness. Fat accumulates under the chin, where cells swell in volume. The stubborn fat that “collects” here is often resistant to dietary changes and exercise. Kybella is a simple solution for restoring more youthful contours by creating a slimmer, firmer chin and jawline without incisions, sedation, or other more invasive aspects of major surgery.

Note that laxity requires its own solution, such as Ul therapy, which causes loose tissues to contract for a sleeker look.

How Kybella Works

Your digestive system breaks down the fat you eat with a natural chemical known as deoxycholic acid, which is contained in the bile salts produced by the liver. Kybella uses that same chemical as its active ingredient, applying it to fat found beneath the skin. The FDA has approved Kybella Treatment Dallas for use specifically in the submental area. The deoxycholic acid in a series of Kybella injections physically dissolves the membranes of fat cells it encounters, thereby releasing their contents.

This broken down, cellular waste is gradually expelled by the body, along with the remaining acid, during the following weeks. While there will still be some fat cells, the volume will be noticeably reduced, giving the silhouette a noticeably sharper and more defined look.

Kybella treatment Preparation

There is minimal preparation needed for Kybella Double Chin Treatment Dallas, aside from cleansing the face and removing makeup before the scheduled procedure to minimize the risk of infections. However, each patient will discuss their available options and their medical history at an initial consultation, as well as get a sense of the scope of their own possible Kybella results. Patients will also get a chance to see before-and-after photos.

It’s important to mention any previous surgery or cosmetic procedures you’ve had in the facial or neck area, as well as any blood thinning medications you are currently taking. Each person’s aesthetic goals are unique. Ideal candidates for Kybella are adults aged 18 or older in otherwise good health, with moderate to severe levels of soft submental fat.

Treatment Details

A topical numbing agent or ice pack may be applied before the injections are administered. This can help to reduce sensation in the area and make the session more comfortable. A Kybella Double Chin Treatment Dallas session typically lasts no longer than half an hour. After that, the active ingredient—deoxycholic acid begins to break down targeted fat cells, which are processed by the body and eliminated in the following weeks.

A Kybella treatment session involves about 40 carefully placed injections, which work together to reduce the overall look of submental fullness beneath the chin. The process will be finished in about 30 minutes. While initial results may be visible within weeks, patients typically need two to four treatments in order to reduce their submental fullness to their satisfaction. Some patients require up to a maximum of six treatments. Doctors advise that any subsequent Kybella procedures be scheduled at least a month apart.

Any discomfort experienced after an injection session is usually mild and may include slight numbness, redness, swelling, or bruising in the treatment area. Kybella is what is considered a “lunchtime beauty procedure,” and no downtime is required post-treatment, meaning you can return to your daily activities right away.

Before the double chin shots are administered, a trained cosmetic specialist will perform a thorough medical review and assess the submental fat. After the review, injection boundaries while being drawn on the skin with a special grid. The temporary grid is then used to administer up to 50 tiny injections.

The amount of Kybella Double Chin Treatment Dallas injections varies depending on the severity of submental fat and desired outcome. Maximum patients report only mild discomfort at the start of the treatment which diminishes as the treatment progresses. After the double chin shot procedure, many patients find an over-the-counter pain reliever is adequate to relieve any pain and discomfort.

How much does it cost for the treatment?

Kybella double chin injections are preferred over liposuction in many patients, both men and women. Kybella treatment price is very similar to liposuction at this time, but unlike liposuction, Kybella is quick and requires no downtime for lasting results. The double chin injections are quick and easy, typically taking less than 30 minutes per session.

During a treatment, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the submental fat and injection area. A highly trained member of our team will create a grid of dots targeting the unwanted fat under the chin. Up to 50 injections of Kybella will then be injected to get rid of chin fat for good. The cost for one Kybella treatment ranges between $1200 and $1800. For best result, multiple treatments are recommended.

Who can take Double Chin Injection?

It is reported seven out of 10 men and women are faced with submental fullness (a double chin). Although the chin and neck are frequently overlooked by patients who seek to cosmetically enhance their appearance, these features function as an important frame for the face and can dramatically improve a patient’s appearance. A double chin, caused by genetics, diet, aging or a combination of items, can add both weight and years to a patient’s face.

Not only patients who are overweight have a double chin. Because there are no targeted exercises to get rid of submental fat, any man or woman can fall victim to this troublesome cosmetic issue. Kybella injections are a great option for both men and women. The injections process is fast, there is no downtime and the permanent results are seen quickly.



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